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FTIR thermochronometry of natural diamonds: a closer lookSimon C. Kohn, Laura Speich, Christopher B. Smith and Galina P. Bulanova School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Queens Rd., Bristol, BS8 1RJ, U.K.
AbstractFTIR is a commonly-used technique for investigating diamonds, but much of the most useful information is lost if spatially resolved measurements are not used. In this study we show examples of FTIR core-to-rim line scans, maps with high spatial resolution and maps with high spectral resolution that are fitted to extract the spatial variation of different nitrogen and hydrogen defects. Model residence temperatures are calculated from the concentration of A and B centres using known times of annealing in the mantle, and a new, two-stage aggregation model is presented that better constrains the thermal history of the diamond and that of the mantle lithosphere in which the diamond resided. The effect of heterogeneity within the analyzed FTIR volume is quantitatively assessed and errors in model temperatures that can be introduced by studying whole diamonds instead of thin plates are discussed. The spatial distribution of hydrogen associated with the 3107 cm -1 vibration does not follow the same pattern as nitrogen, and an enrichment of hydrogen at the boundary between pre-existing diamond and diamond overgrowths is observed. There are several possible explanations for this observation including a change in chemical composition of diamond forming fluid during growth or kinetically controlled uptake of hydrogen.