Virtual Reality technologies are becoming more accessible, in terms of financial costs, but also considering ergonomical and technical barriers for their implementation and use. Therefore, we intend here to explore the potential of VR-based immersive environments as resources for both instructional and training uses in general, as those offer possibilities to place students in realistic virtual contexts, at a low cost and in a safe manner. And to contribute so that the use of immersive technologies in education is done in adequate and effective ways, it befalls the academic community to produce studies that highlight impacts, potentials and limitations in the use of these technologies for educational purposes. Aiming to contribute to this body of research, this project has conducted two case studies, one in an immersive lecture format (Immersive Lecture), and another as an immersive training format (Immersive Training).For the Immersive Lecture study, the content "Illumination Models in Computer Graphics" was developed, while for the Immersive Training study, the dental anesthesia simulator "VIDA Odonto" was utilized. Both environments were developed at Interlab-USP with the author's participation.In these studies we aim to explore possible effects on the perception of presence when different degrees of immersive media and user interfaces are applied, as well as to establish metrics and attribute measurements to other relevant factors to the learning experience, such as the ergonomy and usability of the tools.