T he interest in developing novel materials using building blocks with sizes of about 1 nm has motivated the huge effort devoted to understand the properties of nanoclusters. Several studies have clearly demonstrated that atomic aggregates in the nanometer size range, that is, formed by dozens or hundreds of atoms, present remarkably different properties with respect to their bulk crystalline counterparts. Heterogeneous catalysis, energy conversion, and magnetic data storage are among the technologically most relevant fields where supported nanoclusters are expected to have a strong impact. 1,2 An important field for application of the new nanocluster-based materials is catalysis. The most striking example is the high chemical activity of small Au nanoclusters, 3À6 given by highly reactive corner and edge atoms with low coordination number C N , but even other transition metals like Pt present nanoclusters with a similar behavior. 7,8 One of the goals of nanotechnology is the manipulation of the magnetic properties in systems with reduced dimensionality, such as quantum wires, quantum dots, and nanoclusters. As an example, the use of nanoclusters for ultrahigh density magnetic recording requires pushing further away the superparamagnetic limit by enhancing the magnetic anisotropy energy. In this respect, experiments have shown that low C N atoms play a pivotal role. 9,10 When the particle's size is reduced to only 10À20 Å, two main challenges are posed: (i) the formation in a controllable and reproducible manner of large-scale replicas of these individual building blocks on a suitable substrate 11 and (ii) the determination and tuning of the geometric and electronic structure of the supported nanoobjects.One of the most recent solutions to meet the first challenge is to make use of template graphene (GR) for the growth of metallic nanoclusters and for the formation of long-range-ordered superstructures. This * Address correspondence to alessandro.baraldi@elettra.trieste.it.Received for review November 24, 2011 and accepted March 9, 2012.
Published online 10.1021/nn300651s
ABSTRACTThe chemical and physical properties of nanoclusters largely depend on their sizes and shapes. This is partly due to finite size effects influencing the local electronic structure of the nanocluster atoms which are located on the nanofacets and on their edges. Here we present a thorough study on graphene-supported Rh nanocluster assemblies and their geometrydependent electronic structure obtained by combining high-energy resolution core level photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and density functional theory. We demonstrate the possibility to finely control the morphology and the degree of structural order of Rh clusters grown in register with the template surface of graphene/Ir(111). By comparing measured and calculated core electron binding energies, we identify edge, facet, and bulk atoms of the nanoclusters. We describe how small interatomic distance changes occur while varying the nanocluster size, substantia...