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O'HaraAbstract: The metalation reaction is currently in the midst of an extraordinary transformative period due largely to development of bimetallic metalating agents, which operate through metal-metal' synergistic effects inaccessible to unimetal bases. Here the sodium alkylmagnesium amide [Na4Mg2(TMP)6(nBu)2], a template base as its deprotonating action is dictated primarily by its 12-atom ring structure, is studied with the common NHC, IPr [1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-imidazol-2-ylidene]. Remarkably, magnesiation of IPr occurs at the para-position of an aryl substituent, sodiation occurs at the abnormal C4 position and a dative bond occurs between normal C2 and sodium, all within a 20-atom ring structure that accommodates two IPr 2-dianions. Studies with different K-Mg and Na-Mg bimetallic bases have realized two other magnesiated NHC structures containing two or three IPr -monoanions bound to