A number of eoneepts eommon to both the fields of Materials Seienee ah4 Astrophysies have been elueidate4. In particular, the eurvature and unboundedness of the universe is associated with the idea of surfaee energy. On the other hand, the geometries associated with black holes and preeipitate partieles are shown to be basically similar, and can be represented in terms of dislocations. Finally, the idea of a dis]ocation is extended to the fourdimensiona] space-time continuum.
IntroduetionThe understanding of the meehanieal behavior of matter is based largely on geometrieal eoneepts [1]. The same holds true for an understanding of the universe as embodied in Einstein's general theory of relativity [2]. In both eases, the most sophistieated mathematies available for the preeise formulation of these geometrieal eoneepts is that of differential geometry. It would therefore appear that deeper links should exist between the diseiplines of Materials Seienee, on the one hand, and astronomy, on the other. In particular, we shall attempt to show how the eoneept of surfaee tension can aeeount for the unboundedness of the universe. In addition, we shall also show that the distortions in spaee eaused by large eoneentrations of matter, i.e. blaek holes and those whieh oeeur in the vieinity of preeipitates in solids, are geometrieally identieal and can be represented in terms of disloeations.
The relationship between surface energy and eurvatureConsider the linear ehain of plus-minus eharges of magnitude e separated by nearest-neighbor distanees r. The eleetrostatie foree between any nearestneighbor pair is simply d Fe = ----,(1) r ~ Aaa Physiea Acadendae Seientiarum Hungarieae 50, 1981