In addition to the env gene, a 0.3-kb fragment containing the R-U5-5 0 leader sequence is essential for the induction of spongiform neurodegeneration by Friend murine leukemia virus (Fr-MLV) clone A8 and it also influences expression of the Env protein. Kinetic studies were carried out using two recombinant viruses, R7f, carrying the A8 0.3-kb fragment, and Rec5, carrying the 0.3-kb fragment of the nonneuropathogenic Fr-MLV clone 57. These analyses suggested that the 0.3-kb fragment influenced the expression level of the Env protein by regulating the amount of spliced env-mRNA rather than the amount of total viral mRNA or viral production.Key words murine leukemia virus, neuropathogenicity, R-U5-5 0 leader sequence, splicing.Several MLV cause spongiform neurodegeneration when infected into neonatal mice or rats (1-8). One common feature of these viruses, such as the neuropathogenic variant Fr-MLV A8, is that the primary determinant of the induction of neurodegenerative disease is in the env gene (9-15). The pathomechanism of spongiosis is still not well understood, but several possibilities have been proposed. For example, inefficient processing or folding of neuropathogenic Env protein may induce endoplasmic reticulum stress and/or oxidative stress (16-23). Alternatively, cellular effectors, such as cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase, may be aberrantly expressed in the brains of infected animals (24-31). In a previous study of the viral clone A8, we showed that a high level of expression of A8-Env protein in rat brain was correlated with neuropathogenicity (32-34). We also previously showed that, in addition to the env gene, a 0.3-kb fragment containing the R-U5-5 0 leader sequence of Fr-MLV A8 was necessary for neuropathogenicity (32). The 0.3-kb fragment influences the amount of Env protein in cultured cells and in rat brains (32,33). This fragment contains functional domains, such as a signal for poly(A) addition to mRNA that works in the 3 0 LTR, a PBS for reverse transcription, and a 5 0 splice site. However, it is not clear how the 0.3-kb fragment influences the level of Env protein. Here, we sought to answer this question by a kinetic analysis to determine the effect of the 0.3-kb fragment on viral gene expression and viral production.The chimeric virus R7f, which contains a 0.3-kb fragment of viral clone A8 and the A8-env gene on a nonneuropathogenic clone 57 background, induces spongiform neurodegeneration (Fig. 1) (32). In contrast, the chimeric virus Rec5, which contains only the A8-env gene on a clone 57 background, does not exhibit neuropathogenicity. Comparison of the sequences of the 0.3-kb fragment of clones A8 and 57 revealed that they had a 17-nucleotide difference (32).R7f and Rec5 were infected into NIH3T3 cells at a moi of 1. Western blot analysis using anti-Rauscher MLV gp70 (Quality Biotech Incorporated Resource Laboratory, NJ, USA) and anti-AKR p30Gag (Quality Biotech Incorporated Resource Laboratory) antibodies was carried out on Correspondence