On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to revise the manuscript, and we appreciate the reviewer #3 very much for his/her kind comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled "Estimating aboveground biomass seasonal dynamics of a riparian pioneer plant species: an exploratory analysis by canopy structural data" (Ms. Ref. No. ECOLIND-7907R2). We have revised the manuscript according to the reviewer's comments. The revised parts were marked in red. In our point-by-point response letter attached below, the reviewer's comments were marked dark blue. We guess the reviewer's most concern is that the places of our sampling sites may have impacts on the modeling we conducted and should be verified first. In other words, some of the collected sampling quadrats may not be independent. In the response letter, we tested his/her concern and found that the all the sampling quadrats were independent and the places of the sampling sites have no significant impacts on the modeling. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration. Looking forward to hearing from you.