Platform motion poses significant challenges to high-precision optical time and frequency transfer. We give a detailed description of these challenges and their solutions in comb-based optical twoway time and frequency transfer (O-TWTFT). Specifically, we discuss the breakdown in reciprocity due to relativity and due to asynchronous sampling, the impact of optical and electrical dispersion, and velocity-dependent transceiver calibration. We present a detailed derivation of the equations governing comb-based O-TWTFT in the presence of motion. We describe the implementation of real-time signal processing algorithms based on these equations and demonstrate active synchronization of two sites over turbulent air paths to below a femtosecond time deviation despite effective velocities of ±25 m/s, which is the maximum achievable with our physical setup. With the implementation of the time transfer equation derived here, we find no velocity-dependent bias between the synchronized clocks to within at two-sigma statistical uncertainty of 330 attoseconds.Work of the U.S. Government and not subject to copyright. PACS numbers. 06.30.Ft Time and frequency
III.A.4 Velocity-Dependent Transceiver CalibrationIn the simplest case, the calibration constant, cal T , in Eq. (1) reflects a time delay in the transceiver between the reference plane and the detection of the incoming pulses. However, each transceiver is far from a compact point and consists of a distributed set of optical components comprising optical oscillators, frequency combs, modulated cw lasers, optical transceivers for detecting the arrival time of frequency comb pulses, and optical transceivers for the communication-based O-TWTFT as is illustrated in Fig. 2 (and later in Fig. 4). Nevertheless, in the absence of significant Doppler shifts, as in Refs. [2][3][4], the calibration of this distributed system can still be lumped into a single overall time offset, cal T . Here, with Doppler shifts, that is no longer the case and this calibration must be expanded to include a velocity-dependent contribution,