The study presents a numerical fluid-plasma model of waveguide discharges sustained by travelling azimuthallysymmetric Trivelpiece-Gould modes. The results describe weakly-magnetized ( ª ) plasma production in a diffusion-controlled regime ( being the wave frequency, ª the electron gyro-frequency). However, with respect to the influence of the external magnetic field on the transverse ambipolar-diffusion coefficient, cases of both weak and strong impact of the magnetic field are covered. In its electrodynamical part, the model involves detailed description of the behaviour of the Trivelpiece-Gould waves in radially-inhomogeneous collisional plasmas. The gas-discharge part of the model specifies plasma production in an argon gas. The results are for the self-consistent structure of the discharge composed out of the interrelated variations of wavenumber, space damping rate, plasma density, electron temperature and power absorbed on average by an electron. The analysis is in terms of influence of gas-pressure and magnetic-field changes.