When dealing with unrealizable specifications in reactive
synthesis, finding the weakest environment assumptions that ensure
realizability is often considered a desirable property. However,
little effort has been dedicated to defining or evaluating the
notion of weakness of assumptions formally. The question of whether
one assumption is weaker than another is commonly interpreted by
considering the implication relationship between the two or,
equivalently, their language inclusion. This interpretation fails to
provide any insight into the weakness of the assumptions when
implication (or language inclusion) does not hold. To our
knowledge, the only measure that is capable of comparing two
formulae in this case is entropy, but even it cannot distinguish the
weakness of assumptions expressed as fairness properties. In this
paper, we propose a refined measure of weakness based on combining
entropy with Hausdorff dimension, a concept that captures the notion
of size of the $$\omega $$
-language satisfying a linear temporal logic
formula. We focus on a special subset of linear temporal logic
formulae which is of particular interest in reactive synthesis,
called GR(1). We identify the conditions under which this measure
is guaranteed to distinguish between weaker and stronger GR(1)
formulae, and propose a refined measure to cover cases when two
formulae are strictly ordered by implication but have the same
entropy and Hausdorff dimension. We prove the consistency between
our weakness measure and logical implication, that is, if one
formula implies another, the latter is weaker than the former
according to our measure. We evaluate our proposed weakness
measure in two contexts. The first is in computing GR(1) assumption
refinements where our weakness measure is used as a heuristic to
drive the refinement search towards weaker solutions. The second is
in the context of quantitative model checking where it is used to
measure the size of the language of a model violating a linear
temporal logic formula.