A B S T R A C T Long-term studies (32-49 wk) of the turnover of plasma cholesterol were conducted in 24 subjects. Eight subjects were normolipidemic, six had hypercholesterolemia, eight had hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, and two had hypertriglyceridemia alone. 10 of the hyperlipidemic patients had a definite familial disorder. In all subjects (except one for whom complete data were not available), the same three-pool model previously described gave the best fit for the data. Ml was correlated with all body size variables, but most strongly with excess weight. After adjusting for the effects of body size, M1 was also correlated with the serum concentrations of both cholesterol and triglyceride. Major differences were found in the relationships between the physiological variables and the sizes of pools 2 and 3. M2 was correlated neither with any of the indices of body size or adiposity, nor with the serum levels of either cholesterol or triglyceride. In contrast, all estimates of M3 were correlated with indices of adiposity (but not of overall body size) and with the serum cholesterol concentration.