When there is any particular interference or jamming signal against the OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) wireless communication system, it is badly serious problem for the communication performance even though the OFDM system is inherently robust to interference than the single carrier communication system. Therefore, it is very important to design the counter-measure to this kind of interference. So, in this paper, window processing using the weighting function is introduced to recover the information data in parallel with the spreading and error correcting method. This paper describes the wireless OFDM communication system in the strong SCI (spectral concentrated interference) channel. To make the windowing processing of OFDM Signal in the SCI channel, several weighting functions are used and analyzed in the time and frequency domain. So, window processing using the weight function in combination with nonlinear compensation method allows to increase robust against SCI and system improvement. Several window functions are proposed and compared to evaluated for the communication performances. Computer simulations show the differences in BER (bit error rate) performance in various conditions with various window functions. It can be concluded that the proposed method is pretty efficient in the SCI channel.