Let H = m j=1 X 2 j − ∂t be a heat-type operator in R n+1 , where X = {X 1 , . . . , Xm} is a system of smooth Hörmander's vector fields in R n , and every X j is homogeneous of degree 1 with respect to a family of non-isotropic dilations in R n , while no underlying group structure is assumed. In this paper we prove global (in space and time) upper and lower Gaussian estimates for the heat kernel Γ(t, x; s, y) of H, in terms of the Carnot-Carathéodory distance induced by X on R n , as well as global upper Gaussian estimates for the t-or X-derivatives of any order of Γ.From the Gaussian bounds we derive the unique solvability of the Cauchy problem for a possibly unbounded continuous initial datum satisfying exponential growth at infinity. Also, we study the solvability of the H-Dirichlet problem on an arbitrary bounded domain. Finally, we establish a global scale-invariant Harnack inequality for non-negative solutions of Hu = 0. C t (Q+|I|+2m)/2 • exp − x 2 Ct