Quasi-classical theory of superconductivity provides a powerful and yet simple description of the superconductivity phenomenology. In particular, the Eilenberger and Usadel equations provide a neat simplification of the description of the superconducting state in the presence of disorder and electromagnetic interaction. However, the modern aspects of superconductivity require a correct description of the spin interaction as well. Here, we generalize the transport equations of superconductivity in order to take into account space-time dependent electromagnetic and spin interactions on equal footing. Using a gauge-covariant Wigner transformation for the Green-Gor'kov correlation functions, we establish the correspondence between the Dyson-Gor'kov equation and the quasiclassical transport equation in the time-dependent phase-space. We give the expressions for the gauge-covariant current and charge densities (quasi-particle, electric and spin) in the transport formulation. The generalized Eilenberger and Usadel limits of the transport equation are given, too. This study is devoted to the formal derivation of the equations of motion in the electromagnetic plus spin plus particle-hole space. The studies of some specific systems are postponed to future works. [5,6] and Nambu [7,8] is a masterpiece of condensed matter in particular, and quantum field theory in general. It consists in a few concepts -a second-order phase transition due to electron-phonon interaction, or a classical gaugesymmetry breaking in high-energy language -together with a predictive power which provided breakthrough discoveries all along the second half of the 20-th century. Among others, the BCS theory and its close parent the Ginzburg-Landau model [9,10] The balance between a few concepts involved in a large number of novel effects is certainly due to the robustness of the quasi-classical description of superconductivity [18][19][20][21]. Indeed, most superconductors are characterized by a relevant energy scale, namely the gap parameter energy, much smaller than the Fermi energy. Then it becomes possible to adapt for superconductors the quasiclassical theory developed for normal metals [22,23].Due to its success describing such vast problems as vortex in bulk, Josephson and proximity effect in mesoscopic systems as well as the competition between superconductivity and disorder, the quasi-classical description of superconductivity was naturally extended to discuss the competition between superconductor and magnetic orders. There, the quasi-classical description opened a new era of discoveries, which are too numerous to be listed here. We just mention that their possible domain of applicability ranges from spintronic effects to some proposed fundamental phases in neutron stars and in the early universe, passing through original vortex states and new electronic devices based on novel Josephson effects, see e.g. [24][25][26][27] and references therein.Whereas the first studies discussing the competing effect between superconductivity and spin coupl...