In this article, weak convergence of the general non-Markov state transition probability estimator by Titman (2015) is established which, up to now, has not been verified yet for other general non-Markov estimators. A similar theorem is shown for the bootstrap, yielding resampling-based inference methods for statistical functionals. Formulas of the involved covariance functions are presented in detail. Particular applications include the conditional expected length of stay in a specific state, given occupation of another state in the past, as well as the construction of time-simultaneous confidence bands for the transition probabilities.The expected lengths of stay in the two-sample liver cirrhosis data-set by Andersen et al. (1993) are compared and confidence intervals for their difference are constructed. With borderline significance and in comparison to the placebo group, the treatment group has an elevated expected length of stay in the healthy state given an earlier disease state occupation. In contrast, the Aalen-Johansen estimator-based confidence interval, which relies on a Markov assumption, leads to a drastically different conclusion. Also, graphical illustrations of confidence bands for the transition probabilities demonstrate the biasedness of the Aalen-Johansen estimator in this data example. The reliability of these results is assessed in a simulation circumvent the Markov assumption: State occupation probabilities in general models have been estimated by Datta and Satten (2001), Satten (2002), andGlidden (2002) using the Aalen-Johansen estimator. and Pepe (1991) used a combination of two Kaplan-Meier estimators to assess the relevant transition probability in an illness-death model with recovery. In illness-death models without recovery, Meira-Machado et al. (2006) used Kaplan-Meier-based techniques and consecutive latent transition times to estimate transition probabilities. More efficient variants of these estimators have been developed in de Uña-Álvarez and Meira-Machado (2015). A Kendall's τ -based test of the Markov assumption in this progressive illness-death model was derived in Rodríguez-Girondo and Uña-Álvarez (2012). A competing risks-based estimator was proposed by Allignol et al. (2014) which relies on strict censoring assumptions. Eventually, Titman (2015) and Putter and Spitoni (2018) developed transition probability estimators in general non-Markov models by using different transition probability decompositions and utilizations of the Aalen-Johansen estimator. However, weak convergence properties of these estimators as elements of càdlàg function spaces have not been analyzed yet.In the present paper, we focus on the non-Markov state transition probability estimator by Titman (2015) and its weak convergence for the following reasons: the estimator has a simple, but intuitive structure and it allows estimation of general transition probabilities between sets of states rather than single states. Finally, the bootstrap is shown to correctly reproduce the weak limit distributio...