The article examines the development of underwater space in the interests of maritime freighttransport as such, which increases the carrying capacity of existing sea transport routes, increasesenergy efficiency and reduces the risks of freight transport, provided there is no negative impact on themovement of the vehicle by wind, surface waves and drift currents. It is proposed to create anextensive system of cargo transportation in the underwater space as an alternative to conventionalshipping. The best underwater data exchange in terms of speed and volume of transmitted informationis provided by laser methods. In second place is radio communication in the microwave range and inthird place is the hydroacoustic communication channel. Thus, underwater data transmission based onlasers and radio waves is effective for data transmission only in conditions where the underwatertransport vessel moves in the near-surface layer of the ocean. In the future, hybrid data exchangesystems will be created under water, based on the physical principles of data transmission by radio,laser, hydroacoustic communication. Hybrid communication systems based on hydroacoustics andradar are not excluded.
Keywords: Underwater space, underwater vehicles, hydroacoustic, navigation, cargotransportation.