Knee arthroplasty (TKA) plays an important role in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (KOA). This study aimed to investigate the impact of tranexamic acid (TXA) administration on the amount of bleeding and knee function improvement in unilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA). One hundred and two patients who underwent primary unilateral TKA surgery in Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China from June 2015 to May 2017 were divided into three groups: group A was intravenously and intraarticularly injected tranexamic acid, group B was injected with tranexamic acid in the joint cavity and group C was injected intravenously and intraarticularly with saline solution, 34 patients in each group.After losses to follow-up we ended with 91 patients: 31 cases in group A, 28 cases in group B, 32 in group C. The demographic and biochemical parameters of the three groups at the baseline were analysed as: age, gender, body mass index, preoperative haemoglobin, preoperative haematocrit, preoperative D-dimer (DD), preoperative knee mobility, Knee Society Score (KSS) function scores, operative time and incision length. All these variables were not statistically significant different between the groups (p > 0.05). Changes in body temperature, total blood loss, visible blood loss, occult blood loss, D-dimer, pain degree, swelling degree and mobility of the knee joint were compared after surgery. The KSS, Lysholm and Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) scores of the knee joint were measured three and six months after the surgery. The KSS function score, HSS score and Lysholm score of knee joint three months after operation were statistically significant different (p < 0.05). The scores of A and B group were higher than those of group C, but there was no statistically significant difference between group A and group B (p > 0.05). After six months follow-up, in the knee mobility and KSS function scores of the three groups was no difference (p > 0.05). The injection of tranexamic acid in the venous joint cavity can effectively reduce the amount of red blood cells after TKA surgery, and it can reduce the possibility of patients undergoing allogeneic red blood cells after surgery.
RezumatArtroplastia de genunchi (TKA) joacă un rol important în tratamentul osteoartritelor genunchiului (KOA). Scopul prezentului studiu este de a analiza efectul administrării acidului traxenamic (TXA) asupra sângerării și a îmbunătățirii funcției genunchiului după artroplastia unilaterală totală de genunchi. O sută doi pacienți care au fost supuși TKA primare unilaterale în perioada Iunie 2015 -Mai 2017 în spitalul Nanfang, Universitatea de Medicină de Sud din Guangzhou, China, au fost împărțiți în trei grupuri: grupul A căruia i s-a administrat intravenos și intraarticular acid tranexamic, grupul B la care s-a administrat intraarticular acid tranexamic și grupul C la care s-a administrat intravenos și intraarticular ser fiziologic, 34 de pacienți în fiecare grup. După ce unii pacienți s-au pierdut pe parcursul studiului, au rămas 91 p...