The multiwell pad approach is being used today in the exploitation of unconventional reservoirs. As a result, the economics have improved due to increased efficiency in drilling, completion, and production operations. However, multiwell pad drilling presents several challenges, including determining optimum well spacing, and hydraulic fracture interaction between wells, and ultimately, determining the optimum completion strategy for the multiwell pad.Determining the optimum completion strategy and well spacing have historically been performed by trial and error or using a combination of a hydraulic fracture simulator coupled with a dynamic reservoir simulator. These methods have mainly been suited for single-well cases and hence, are unable to address the multiwell pad drilling issues. A new workflow was developed that models and evaluates both the inter-well dependencies of hydraulic fracture treatments (stress shadow effects) and their potential production interference performance. This process comprises of three main steps: modeling and evaluating the created complex hydraulic fracture system and its interaction between individual wellbores, creating a multiwell production grid, and performing dynamic reservoir modeling by production history matching analysis. Furthermore, the model can account for large time differences between completion operations.The workflow that will be described was successfully applied on two pad locations in the Eagle Ford shale that comprised of three and five wells, respectively. The results revealed the degree of fracture and production communication between the wells, thus allowing for determining the optimum well spacing in the area. Additionally, a new optimized completion strategy was developed and applied to several wells in the field. The 90-day oil productivity results showed an average increase of -40% compared to their offsets in addition to an 11% decrease in completion costs. Overall, the results show the importance of properly accounting for the interwell dependencies of the stimulation treatments that arise from multiwell completions and the impact the stimulation treatments have on the overall well performance. These results provide an excellent platform for efficiently determining optimum well spacing and completion strategy for pad level completions, not only in the Eagle Ford shale, but also in other unconventional reservoirs.