A number of ferrocene glutamic acid cystamine conjugates suitable for the preparation of thin film on gold
were prepared and fully characterized electrochemically and spectroscopically. In this study, we evaluate the
interactions of nonelectroactive metal ions such as Ca2+ and Tb3+ ions using a combined electrochemical and
spectroscopic approach. Cyclic voltammetry studies show a reversible one-electron redox behavior associated
with the ferrocene group. These peptide interfaces exhibit a considerable affinity to bind Ca2+ and Tb3+ ions
from aqueous solutions with log K ∼ 3. In the presence of metal ion, the charge associated with oxidation of
the ferrocene group decreases in line with a blockage of the formation of Fc+/ClO4
- ion pair by the formation
of an overlayer on top of the film, which essentially shuts down the oxidation of the Fc group. The resulting
increase in the film thickness is monitored by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and by a decrease in
the capacitance as monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. XPS measurements show that the
metal ions bind exclusively to the carboxylic acid and that the amide group is not involved in metal binding.