Atoms, Moleculeszoi,.oh., and Clusters fi~r Physik D © Springer-Verlag 199t Hyperfine structure constants of the Call states 4s 2S1/z and 4p 2p and the nuclear quadrupole moment of 3Ca 1/2, 3/2 R.E. Silverans ~, L. Vermeeren ~, R. Neugart 2, P. Lievens 3., and the ISOLDE Collaboration 3Abstract. The hyperfine structure splittings of the 4s2S~/a--,4pZP~/;,3/2 transitions in 43CaII have been measured by fast ion beam collinear laser spectroscopy. The resonant laser interaction was observed using nonoptical detection based on optical ground state depopulation pumping, state selective neutralization and charge state separated particle counting. The extracted magnetic dipole hyperfine structure constants for 43Ca A (2S1/2) = --805(2) MHz, A (2P1/2) = -145.5(1.0) MHz and A (2p3/2)=-31.9(0.2)MHz are in excellent agreement with relativistic many body perturbation theory predictions available ['or this alkali-like ion. The combined results are used to evaluate the semi-empirical analysis method. From the electrical quadrupole hyperfine structure constant B(2P3/2) = -6.7(1.4) MHz and the calculated B/Q value for this one valence electron configuration, the nuclear quadrupole moment Q (43Ca) = -0.043(9)b is derived. This result supports a previous evaluation based on the hyperfine structure of the two valence electron 3p configurations of CaI.