Spin-polarized density functional theory computations have been carried to investigate the surface morphology of 10 Cu n adsorption on the Fe 5 C 2 (100), Fe 5 C 2 (111), Fe 5 C 2 (510), Fe 5 C 2 (001) and Fe 5 C 2 (010) surface terminations in different surface Fe 11 and C ratios. On the Fe 5 C 2 (100), and Fe 5 C 2 (510) surfaces, aggregation is thermodynamically more favored than dispersion, while 12 dispersion is more favored than aggregation on the Fe 5 C 2 (111) surface for n = 2-4, on the Fe 5 C 2 (010) surface for n = 2 and on the 13 Fe 5 C 2 (001) surface for n = 2-4. The difference in structures and stability at low coverage depends on the stronger Cu-Fe interac-14 tion over the Cu-Cu interaction as well as the location of the adsorption sites. The adsorption energies do not correlate with the 15 surface Fe and C ratios. Comparison among the most stable Fe (110), Fe 3 C(001) and Fe 5 C 2 (100) surfaces reveals that the Fe (110) 16 surface has higher Cu affinity than the Fe 3 C(001) and Fe 5 C 2 (100) surfaces; and the carbide surfaces have close Cu affinities; in 17 agreement with the experimental observations. On all these iron and carbide surfaces, two-dimensional monolayer surface ad-18 sorption configurations are energetically more favored than the adsorption of three-dimensional Cu n clusters, and it can be ex-
19pected that the adsorbed Cu atoms should grow epitaxially as a layer-by-layer mode at the initial stage. On the metallic Fe(110),
20Fe (100), Fe(111) and Fe 3 C(010) surfaces, the adsorbed Cu atoms are negatively charged; while on the Fe 3 C(100), Fe 5 C 2 (100),
21Fe 5 C 2 (111), Fe 5 C 2 (010), and Fe 5 C 2 (001) surfaces, the adsorbed Cu atoms are positively charged. On the Fe 3 C(001) and Fe 5 C 2 (510)
22surfaces, the adsorbed Cu atoms mainly interacting with surface Fe atoms are very slightly negatively charged. This trend is in 23 line with their difference in electronegativity. Our results build the foundation for further study of Cu-promotion effect in 24Fe-based FTS in particular and for metal-doped heterogeneous catalysis in general. 25 26