In recent years it has been shown in detail how the electrocatalytic cleavage of carbon-halogen bonds is\ud
modulated by (a) the stepwise or concerted nature of the dissociative electron-transfer mechanism,\ud
which is infl uenced by the nature of the electrode surface, the type of halogen atom and the molecular\ud
structure of RX as a whole, and (b) the double-layer structure (as a function of the nature and bulkiness of\ud
the supporting electrolyte ions). In order to both complete and support the interpretative scheme thus\ud
developed, this work is focused on the solvent role. When one compares aprotic with protic organic\ud
solvents af ter appropriate intersolvental normalization, interesting peculiarities emerge, especially\ud
concerning protic media. Solvent proticity deeply affects both the reaction mechanism (on both noncatalytic\ud
and catalytic electrodes) and the extent of the catalytic effects. These items are discussed on the\ud
basis of a complete investigation carried out with a carefully controlled experimental protocol on two\ud
chloride and bromide couples, one aromatic and one aliphatic, representative of stepwise and concerted\ud
mechanisms, respectively, in four aprotic and four protic solvents, on both non catalytic GC and catalytic\ud
Ag and Au electrodes. The results are discussed in the framework of a recently developed interpretative\ud
scheme of the carbon-halogen cleavage mechanism