The diffusion of iodide defects has been considered the
most important
degradation mechanism of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPI) in solar
cells. The present study demonstrates the importance of the pressure
inside this material on the dynamics of iodide defects, using molecular
dynamics simulations. It is known that the diffusion coefficient of
an iodide vacancy is an order of magnitude higher than that of interstitial
iodide. We show that this difference systematically increases with
increased tensile strain and that both diffusion coefficients tend
to zero when a compressive strain is applied. This result suggests
that compression of the MAPI can be a good solution to reduce its
degradation rate. Besides, the statistical aspect of deriving the
diffusion coefficient from the mean squared displacement (MSD) is
discussed in terms of the initial conditions (positions and velocities)
of the atoms and the simulation time, considering different seeds
of the pseudorandom number generator used in the simulations performed
with the LAMMPS software.