Accurate knowledge of the rovibronic near-infrared and visible absorption spectra of transition metal diatomic species like vanadium monoxide (VO) is very important for studies of cool stellar and hot planetary atmospheres. Here, the required ab initio curves are produced for the dipole moment and spin-orbit coupling, both diagonal and off-diagonal. The reliability of these curves is estimated by comparing potential energy surfaces obtained using the same methodology against experimental data (e.g. excitation energies, vibrational frequencies, bond distances). The ab initio data produced here forms the basis of a new spectroscopic model for the rovibronic spectroscopy of VO. This model has been used to produce a new VO line list which considers 13 different electronic states and contains almost 640,000 energy levels and over 277 million transitions.Open shell transition metal diatomics are challenging species to model through ab initio quantum mechanics due to the large number of low-lying electronic states, significant relativistic effects (particularly strong spin-orbit coupling within and between electronic states) and strong static and dynamic electron correlation. Multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) methodologies using orbitals from a complete active space self-consistent-field (CASSCF) calculation are the standard technique for this kinds of system. We use different state-specific or minimal-state CASSCF orbitals for each electronic state to maximise the accuracy of the calculation. We demonstrate that this choice of orbitals significantly affects the quality of the property calculations by comparing results using CASSCF orbitals optimised for different numbers of states.The off-diagonal dipole moment, or the transition moment, is the critical property controlling the intensity of electronic transitions. We test the use of finite-field off-diagonal dipole moments, but found that (1) the accuracy of the excitation energies were not sufficient to allow accurate dipole moments to be evaluated and (2) computer time requirements for perpendicular transitions were prohibitive. The best off-diagonal dipole moments are calculated using wavefunctions with different CASSCF orbitals.