Using atomic-scale first-principles energy calculations, we describe a methodology allowing to investigate the effect of metallic elements in frequently encountered Cr 23 C 6 carbides, and its application to the equilibrium between Cr 23 C 6 and AlCrFeMnMo high-entropy solid solutions. Our study reveals the importance of taking properly into account the effect of interstitial C in Cr 23 C 6 , since the latter is found to have a key-influence on the thermodynamics of the compound. Moreover, it emphasizes clear-cut trends as regards the propensity of the various metallic elements to penetrate the carbide. Finally, it illustrates the role of the chemical potentials in the high-entropy solid solution, since the latter are the key-quantities controlling the composition of Cr 23 C 6 . The tractability of the approach described here should allow easy applications to similar cases, including other chemically complex solid solutions, as well as various second-phase particles (carbides, nitrides, oxides, borides…) unavoidably formed during elaboration processes.