Tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) can reveal a new, composition dependent, force of nature or disprove many models of new physics. For the first time such a test is being successfully carried out in space by the MICROSCOPE satellite. Early results show no violation of the WEP sourced by the Earth for Pt and Ti test masses with random errors (after 8.26 d of integration time) of about 1 part in 10 14 , and systematic errors of the same magnitude. This result improves by about 10 times over the best ground tests with rotating torsion balances despite 70 times less sensitivity to differential accelerations, thanks to the much stronger driving signal in orbit. The measurement is limited by thermal noise from internal damping in the gold wires used for electrical grounding, related to their fabrication and clamping. This noise was shown to decrease when the spacecraft was set to rotate faster than planned. The result will improve by the end of the mission, as thermal noise decreases with more data. Not so systematic errors. We investigate major nongravitational effects and find that MICROSCOPE's "zero-check" sensor, with test masses both made of Pt, does not allow their separation from the signal. The early test reports an upper limit of systematic errors in the Pt-Ti sensor which are not detected in the Pt-Pt one, hence would not be distinguished from a violation. Once all the integration time available is used to reduce random noise there will be no time left to check systematics. MICROSCOPE demonstrates the huge potential of space for WEP tests of very high precision and indicates how to reach it. To realize the potential, a new experiment needs the spacecraft to be in rapid, stable rotation around the symmetry axis (by conservation of angular momentum), needs high quality state-of-the-art mechanical suspensions as in the most precise gravitational experiments on ground, and must allow multiple checks to discriminate a violation signal from systematic errors. The design of the "Galileo Galilei" (GG) experiment, aiming to test the WEP to 1 part in 10 17 unites all the needed features, indicating that a quantum leap in space is possible provided the new experiment heeds the lessons of MICROSCOPE.