generators are crucial for analyzing data at hadron colliders, however, even a small mismatch between the MC simulations and the experimental data can undermine the interpretation of LHC searches in the SM and beyond. The jet multiplicity distributions used in four-top searches, one of the ultimate rare processes in the SM currently being explored at the LHC, makes pp → t tt t an ideal testing ground to explore for new ways to reduce the impact of MC mismodelling on such observables. In this Letter, we propose a novel weakly-supervised method capable of disentangling the t tt t signal from the dominant background, while partially correcting for possible MC imperfections. A mixture of multinomial distributions is used to model the light-jet and b-jet multiplicities under the assumption that these are conditionally independent given a categorical latent variable. The signal and background distributions generated from a deliberately untuned MC simulator are used as model priors. The posterior distributions, as well as the signal fraction, are then learned from the data using Bayesian inference. We demonstrate that our method can mitigate the effects of large MC mismodellings using a realistic t tt t search in the same-sign dilepton channel, leading to corrected posterior distributions that better approximate the underlying truth-level spectra.1 Our results and discussion would apply equally well to other non-negligible backgrounds such as t th and t tZ.