Let Γ be a finite-index subgroup of the mapping class group of a closed genus g surface that contains the Torelli group. For instance, Γ can be the level L subgroup or the spin mapping class group. We show that H 2 (Γ; Q) ∼ = Q for g ≥ 5. A corollary of this is that the rational Picard groups of the associated finite covers of the moduli space of curves are equal to Q. We also prove analogous results for surface with punctures and boundary components.
IntroductionLet Σ g be a closed oriented genus g surface and let Mod g be its mapping class group, that is, the group of isotopy classes of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of Σ g (see [11,21] for surveys about Mod g ). Tremendous progress has been made over the last 40 years in understanding the homology of Mod g , culminating in the groundbreaking work of Madsen-Weiss [27], who identified H * (Mod g ; Q) in a stable range. However, little is known about the homology of finite-index subgroups of Mod g , or equivalently about the homology of finite covers of the moduli space of curves.Denote by I g the Torelli group, that is, the kernel of the representation Mod g → Sp 2g (Z) arising from the action of Mod g on H 1 (Σ g ; Z). Our main theorem is as follows. It answers in the affirmative a question of Hain [14] which has since appeared on problem lists of Farb [10, Conjecture 5.24] and Penner [30, Problem 11]. Theorem 1.1 (Rational H 2 of finite-index subgroups, closed case). For g ≥ 5, let Γ be a finite index subgroup of Mod g such that I g < Γ. Then H 2 (Γ; Q) ∼ = Q.We also have an analogous result for surfaces with punctures and boundary components; see Theorem 2.1 below.Examples. The subgroups of Mod g to which Theorem 1.1 applies are exactly the pullback to Mod g of finite-index subgroups of Sp 2g (Z). Two key examples are as follows.Example (Level L subgroup). For an integer L ≥ 2, the level L subgroup Mod g (L) of Mod g is the group of mapping classes that act trivially on H 1 (Σ g ; Z/L). The image of Mod g (L) in Sp 2g (Z) is the kernel of the natural map Sp 2g (Z) → Sp 2g (Z/L). This group of matrices, denoted Sp 2g (Z, L), is known as the level L subgroup of Sp 2g (Z).Example (Spin subgroup). Letting U Σ g be the unit tangent bundle of Σ g , a spin structure on Σ g is an element ω ∈ H 1 (U Σ g ; Z/2) such that ω(ℓ) = 1, where ℓ ∈ H 1 (U Σ g ; Z/2) is the loop around the fiber. If Σ g is given the structure of a Riemann surface, then spin structures on Σ g can be identified with theta characteristics, i.e. square roots of the canonical bundle [1, Proposition 3.2]. More topologically, Johnson [23] showed that spin structures on Σ g can be identified with Z/2-valued quadratic formsω on H 1 (Σ g ; Z/2), i.e. functionsω :Here i(·, ·) is the algebraic intersection pairing. Such quadratic forms are classified up to isomorphism by their Z/2-valued Arf invariant. The group Mod g acts on the set of spin structures on Σ g , and this action is transitive on the set of spin structures of a fixed Arf invariant. If ω is a spin structure on Σ g , then the stabilizer...