New rocket insulator compositions have been studied by adding various types and amounts of fillers, such as graphite and asbestos fibres, A1203, MgZrO2, Cr203, SiC, carbon powders and phenolic resin to the base EPDM gum and graphite, kevlar, E type glass fibres to the base phenolic resin in order to improve thermal and ablative efficiency. The degradation of the insulators has been investigated by thermogravimetry (TG) analysis to 900~ and DSC analysis to 500~ Conversion curves of the insulators at different heating rates were performed and maximum degradation temperatures were found as 646 and 661~ for EPDM P and phenolic resin, respectively. The kinetic parameters for degradation have been evaluated and the lifetime of the rocket insulators has been estimated. Thermal analysis has been eonducted on the insulators and the indepth temperature distribution was evaluated in order to find optimum insulation thickness.