C o m m e n t a r y5 0 (7), again questioning the claim that a ductular reaction is not required for liver regeneration (1, 2). Initial historic studies in rats noted the appearance of a transient, rapidly proliferating cell type that expresses both BEC-and hepatocyte-specific markers as well as the embryonic liver marker α-fetoprotein. These cells were named oval cells or reactive ductal cells, mainly because their appearance is associated with the regenerative process termed the "ductular reaction" (6, 8).[3 H]-thymidine-labeling studies provided evidence that this transit-amplifying cell population repopulates the rat liver by generating novel hepatocytes (9, 10). These results are consistent with data obtained in the zebrafish, in which complete depletion of the hepatocyte compartment results in ductal cells activating a progenitor program, resulting in restoration of the lost hepatocytes. Further, ductular reactions have also been identified in virtually all human liver disorders that involve cell loss such as fulminant liver failure (11), suggesting that the process is linked to regeneration of the liver (Figure 1). In this issue, Kordes and colleagues enter this controversial arena and identify the mesenchymal HSC as a potential source of cells for the regenerating rat liver (12).HSCs: a mesenchymal progenitor source for the liver The liver is capable of full regeneration following several types and rounds of injury, ranging from hepatectomy to toxin-mediated damage. The source of this regenerative capacity has long been a hotly debated topic. The damage response that occurs when hepatocyte proliferation is impaired is thought to be mediated by oval/dedifferentiated progenitor cells, which replenish the hepatocyte and ductal compartments of the liver. Recently, reports have questioned whether these oval/progenitor cells truly serve as the facultative stem cell of the liver following toxin-mediated damage. In this issue of the JCI, Kordes and colleagues use lineage tracing to follow transplanted rat hepatic stellate cells, a resident liver mesenchymal cell population, in hosts that have suffered liver damage. Transplanted stellate cells repopulated the damaged rat liver by contributing to the oval cell response. These data establish yet another cell type of mesenchymal origin as the progenitor for the oval/ductular response in the rat. The lack of uniformity between different damage models, the extent of the injury to the liver parenchyma, and potential species-specific differences might be at the core of the discrepancy between different studies. Taken together, these data imply a considerable degree of plasticity in the liver, whereby several cell types can contribute to regeneration.