Effect of substituents on the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of supermolecular system involving silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and Schiff bases was investigated. AgNPs and 49 samples of model compounds (MC), bi-aryl Schiff bases containing hydroxyl (XBAY, involving 4-OHArCH¼NArY, 2-OHArCH¼NArY, XArCH¼NAr-4′-OH, and XArCH¼NAr-2′-OH), were synthesized. The size of AgNPs was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the UV absorption spectra of AgNPs, XBAYs, and MC-AgNPs mixed solutions were measured, respectively. The results show that (1) the size of AgNPs is larger in MC-AgNPs solutions than that in AgNPs solution due to the distribution of MC molecules on the surface of AgNPs; (2) the UV absorption wavelength of XBAYs changes in the action of AgNPs and their wavelength shift exists limitation between XBAY and MC-AgNPs solutions; and (3) the wavelength shift limit of MC-AgNPs (λ WSL ) is influenced by the substituents X and Y and the position of hydroxyl OH. The wavenumber Δν WSL of λ WSL can be quantified by employing the excited-state substituent constant σ ex CC and Hammett constant σ of substituents X and Y. Comparing with the 4-OH, the 4′-OH makes the Δν WSL a red shift, whereas the 2′-OH, comparing with the 2-OH, makes the Δν WSL a blue shift.