The status of a fish population is a reflection of the overall condition of the aquatic environment in which that population resides. As such, fish population characteristics can be used as indicators of environmental health. Simple and inexpensive methods to follow fish population responses to environmental degradation are lacking. This paper outlines a protocol whereby environmental impacts on fish populations are classified by five patterns based on characteristics such as mean age, fecundity and condition factor. The patterns summarize population changes and describe responses to exploitation, recruitment failure, the presence of multiple stressors, food limitation and niche shifts. Classification is best based on the selection, and appropriate sampling, of a comparable reference population. Population characteristics can be used to examine ecosystems exposed to stressors for evidence of long-term damage, and when used with biochemical indicators, can be a powerful tool for ecosystem health assessment. The five responses are illustrated using published data on a number of species challenged by increased predation pressure, acidification, eutrophication, mine waste and reservoir impoundment. Application of this scheme will aid in directing and focusing research conditions.