The early cellular events in liver carcinogenesis were studied in Fischer-344 male rats that either were fed 200 ppm 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) for up to 10 wk or were fed the carcinogen for 8 wk, the number again increased. IS -characterized the majority of foci during carcinogen administration, whereas after cessation of exposure, GGT+ and PGT+ foci predominated. None of the foci were positive for GS. After AAF exposure for 10 wk, a few neoplasms developed and greater numbers occurred after maintenance for a further 24 wk of rats exposed for 8 wk. We conclude the following: (a) the low dose of AAF caused subtle alterations in function and proliferation of normal hepatocytes and converted hepatocytes into focus cells; (b) reduction of the GS+ area is a sensitive indicator of cytotoxicity of AAF; (c) the development of some foci at an early stage depends on a promoting action of AAF, which ceased when the carcinogen was withdrawn, allowing some foci to undergo reversion; (d) a strong linkage exists in expression of IS-, GGT+, and PGT+ in foci; (e) the carcinogenic process accelerates in the absence of any indication of increased cytotoxicity by AAF; and (f) under the conditions of this study, no GS+ foci, adenomas, and carcinomas were found, indicating that no carcinogen-induced expression of GS occurred in these lesions and that GS expression is not linked to other phenotypic abnormalities.