This work suggests a method for constructing GL-models of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems. These models can be used, in particular, to estimate the reliability parameters of the latter by conducting statistical experiments with models of their behavior in the failure flow.Two cases are considered: the non-basicsystem, unlike the basicsystem, is resistant to somefailures of increased multiplicity, or else, on the contrary, the non-basicsystem is vulnerableto certain failures that do not lead to the failure of the basicsystem. In this case, the condition under which the system’s behavior differs from the baselinecorresponds to a Boolean expression, thatdepends on the values of the elements of the system state vector, which characterizes the states of its processors in the failure flow. According to the method proposed in the article, amodel of such system is built by adding an edge or several edges to the so-called MLE-model, atype of GL-model, thatcan be constructed for any basicsystem and isbased on cyclic graphs. The edge function for this edge is formed based on the aforementioned Boolean expression. The models constructed by the proposed method are also based on cyclic graphs, which, in particular, significantly simplifythe procedure for assessing the connectivityof the last ones. A series of experiments have been conducted to confirm the adequacy of the models (obtained by the proposed method) to the behavior of systems in the failure flow. This work presents examplesthat demonstratethe process of constructing GL-models for non-basicfault-tolerant multiprocessor systemsusingthe proposed method for both of the above cases.