“…The Lower Pa leo zoic bi par tite north Gond wana periph ery may be ei ther ge net i cally linked with a Cambro-Or do vician ac tive mar gin (Zurbriggen, 2017a, b) or sim ply with back-arc ex ten sion (Stephan et al, 2019). The Cambro-Or do vician in ter val was, how ever, tec toni cally crit i cal for north Gondwana, char ac ter ized by a com plex in ter play of plate tec tonic pro cesses: Or do vi cian arc-supercontinent col li sions, rift ing, (palaeo)north wards drift of peri-Gondwanan ter ranes, for ma tion of un con formi ties, meta mor phism, (bi modal) ig ne ous ac tiv ity, in clu sive de vel op ment of high-strain de for ma tion (e.g., Murphy et al, 2008;van Staal and Hatcher, 2010;Balintoni et al, 2010Balintoni et al, , 2011Balintoni et al, , 2014Zurbriggen, 2014Zurbriggen, , 2017aCocco and Funneda, 2017;Maino et al, 2019;Stephan et al, 2019;Spahiae et al, 2021;Cocco et al, 2022). In ad di tion to a num ber of over lapping lithospheric-scale pro cesses, the Or do vi cian of north Gond wana is fur ther com pli cated as it com bines (i) as tro nom ically in duced Earth-scale cool ing ep i sodes with the rather lo calized Mid dle and Late Or do vi cian north Gondwanan glaciations (Young, 1989;Fang et al, 2019), (ii) a phase of mas sive ironstone pro duc tion (Guerrak, 1988, Young, 1992Trela, 2008;Pufahl et al, 2020;Dunn et al, 2021, and ref er ences therein), and (iii) the im mense in flow of Pan-Af ri can orogen-de rived clastic ma te rial indicating trans port from a dis tant hin ter land (e.g., Bahlburg et al, 2009;Meinhold et al, 2013;Avigad et al, 2017;Benayad et al, 2019).…”