“…Research on error bounds can be traced back to Hoffman's pioneering work in [1]. More precisely, given a m × n matrix A and a m-vector b, in order to estimate the Euclidean distance from a point x to its nearest point in the polyhedral set {u : Au ≤ b}, Hoffman [1] showed that this distance is bounded from above by some constant (only dependent on A) times the Euclidean norm of the residual error (Ax − b) + , where (Ax − b) + denotes the positive part of Ax − b. Hoffman's work has been well-recognized and extensively studied and extended by many authors, including Robinson [2], Mangasarian [3], Auslender & Crouzeix [4], Pang [5], Lewis & Pang [6], Klatte & Li [7], Jourani [8] , Abassi & Théra [9,10], Ioffe [11] and many others. The abundant literature on error bounds shows that this theory has important applications in the sensitivity analysis of linear/integer programs (cf.…”