The article analyzes the experience and development of agricultural formations in the Republic of Tatarstan. Many of them have achieved good results during the period of operation, which confirms the advantages of large-scale production. It is argued that the problem of further development of integrated formations can be solved within the framework of the scientific concept, according to which the integrated formation is a modern form of concentration of production, which most fully meets the requirement of accelerated transfer of agriculture to the intensive development path. The implementation of this concept allows one to mobilize organizational reserves of efficiency growth of integrated formations. The main tools of the mechanism of its implementation are considered: increasing the level of cooperation and concentration, the creation of service centers and specialized production units, reducing the number of middle managers, improving the level of labor organization and management quality due to the informatization of management work. It is proposed to speed up the pace of creation of integrated units and enhance their inherent reserves to establish certain financial benefits, to revise the procedure for allocation to local budgets, to ensure the development and examination of projects for the creation and development of new integrated units.