Gas-dynamic danger of Krasnoslobodsky fracture zone in Starobin Deposit of potassium salts was investigated. The study was carried out taking into account the existing ideas about the mechanism of formation of foci of gas-dynamic phenomena in the salt rock mass of the field, as well as taking into account the results of seismic and hydrogeological studies of the fault zone and the revealed patterns of distribution of gas-dynamic phenomena over the field area. The features of the geological structure of Krasnoslobodsky fracture zone in the upper salt stratum containing layers of potash ore are established. The features of the mechanism of evolution of hydrodynamic systems in fault zones are revealed. It was found that the functional system of halogen metasomatosis in these zones of the rock mass was not shielded, so that the absorption zone of the hydrodynamic system was located in the rocks of the clay-marl strata located above the upper salt strata and horizons of possible mining operations, and fractured rocks of the fault zone provided gas filtration from the system of voids formed during the evolution of hydrodynamic systems. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that in Krasnoslobodsky fracture zone within the upper salt layer there were no conditions for the formation of dangerous foci of gas-dynamic phenomena, such as sudden emissions of salt and gas and collapse of roof rocks. Accordingly, there is a possibility of safe mining operations, such as the penetration of intersecting workings through the fault zone.