Nuclear reaction cross-section measurements via the activation technique are generally made using highresolution γ-ray spectrometry. However, in cases where the radioactive product decays exclusively by EC (without emitting a γ-ray) resort has to be made to the rather subtle technique of x-ray spectrometry. Similarly for characterisation of pure β − emitters, gas-flow proportional or liquid-scintillation counting is applied. In both cases the use of radiochemical methods is most essential. We studied the nat Ti(p,xn) 49 V and 85 Rb(p,4n) 82 Sr reactions via x-ray spectrometry. In each case a clean radiochemical separation was performed and a thin source was prepared. The radioactivity of 49 V was determined using the soft 4.5-keV k α x-rays and that of 82 Sr via the 13.4-keV k α x-rays. In another study, the reactions nat Ti(p,x) 45 Ca, 89 Y(n,p) 89 Sr, and nat Pb(p,x) 204 Tl were investigated. All the products are pure β − emitters and therefore clean radiochemical separations were mandatory. The radioactivity of each of the three products was determined via low-level anticoincidence β − counting. Furthermore, in the case of 45 Ca, liquid-scintillation counting was also used. The results obtained using different techniques are compared.