“…In this study, we are using the four LN2 sprays #1, #6, #9 and #14 which were generated by a single sharp-edged injector with a diameter of D inj = 1 mm and a length-to-diameter ratio of L /D = 2.9. For further injector details we refer to former works [12,13,14,15,16]. The injection conditions in terms of the injection temperature T inj , the injection pressure p inj , the chamber pressure p ch , the mass flowṁ, the degrees of superheat R p and ∆T * as well as the dimensionless numbers like the gaseous and liquid Weber numbers W e g and W e l , respectively, the Jacob number Ja, the Reynolds number Re and the Ohnesorge number Oh of the sprays #1, #6, #9 and #14 are summarized in Table 1.…”