We solve the rotational abrasion model of Roth, Marques and Durian [Phys. Rev. E (2010)], a one-dimensional quasilinear partial differential equation resembling the inviscid Burgers equation with the unusual feature of a step function factor as a coefficient. The complexity of the solution is primarily in keeping track of the cases in the piecewise function that results from certain amputation and interpolation processes, so we also extract from it a model of an evolving planar tree graph that tracks the evolution of the coarse features of the contour.What determines the shapes of pebbles is an intriguing physical question with interest not just to beachcombers out for walks but also geologists, who are interested in the history of erosion at a site [1], as well as mechanical engineers [2], who wish to understand wear processes. Recently several models have been proposed to explain these shapes. Two stochastic models are of note, a "cutting model" [3,4] which accompanied an experimental measurement of pebbles rotating in a tray and an analytically tractable "chipping model" [5]. These models lead to distributions of non-circular shapes. More recently, deterministic erosion processes have been studied by Roth, Marques and Durian. They performed an experiment to measure the contours of linoleum tiles of fixed thickness and varying shape that they had rotated for differing amounts of time in a slurry of grit [6]. This paper describes the solution to their rotational abrasion model. Supposing r(θ, t) describes the radial distance of the contour from the rotational axis as a function of angle θ and time t, they proposedHere C is a positive proportionality factor with dimensions of Angle/(Time×Length) and H(x) denotes a Heaviside step function defined so that H(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0 and H(x) = 1 for x > 0. It is obvious that circles (r(θ, t) = constant) are stationary solutions to this equation, and the evolution of experimental contours computed in [6] by a finite differencing scheme also evolved towards circles unerringly. These solutions also matched quantitatively the evolution of several geometrical quantities extracted from their experimental data, such as area, perimeter, and the width of the curvature distribution. Summarized here are the key ideas behind our exact solution of this equation. First, we exploit a connection to the Burgers equation at zero viscosity, a well-studied equation from gas dynamics [7]. Second, the solution r(θ, t) can be written in a piecewise fashion as a union of r = constant (circular) arcs and certain "stretched" segments of the initial contour. More precisely, these segments are curves of the form r 0 (θ(θ 0 , t)) where r 0 (θ 0 ) is the initial contour and θ(θ 0 , t) at fixed θ 0 is a linear function in t. The solution is constructed to be continuous, but will admit corners with discontinuous slope generically. Finally, the organization of the solution has a strong combinatorial flavor, and the evolution of the pattern of critical points in the contour is captured by a model of an evo...