Development of cotyledonary-stage nucellar embryos of mango was arrested in vitro by exposure to 750-1750 #M ABA. The enlargement and germination of nucellar embryos was inhibited for as long as 4 weeks after subculture from ABA-containing medium. Mannitol at concentrations between 7.5 and 12.5% inhibited nucellar embryo development, presumably due to osmotic effects; however, there was no residual effect after subculture of somatic embryos onto medium without mannitol. Temperatures between 22.5 and 37.5 °C stimulated embryo development, whereas lower temperatures (7.5 and 15 °C) delayed germination. There was no germination 1 month after somatic embryos, pulsed for 8 weeks at 7.5 °C, were transferred to 22.5 °C; however, after 2 months, 86% of these somatic embryos germinated. These results indicate that it is possible to induce developmental arrest in recalcitrant mango embryos with high concentrations of ABA, mannitol or low temperature (7.5 °C).Abbreviations: ABA -Abscisic acid; MM1 -Mango maturation medium