The seeds of six woody species of Oleaceae representing three genera, contain high concentrations of water-soluble glucosides, with major absorption maxima below 240 nanometers. In Fraxinus americana seeds three of these compounds, designated GL-3, GL-5, and GL-6, account for almost 10% of the dry weight. They are found in the endosperm and embryo but not in the pericarp. While the level of GL-5 is not particularly influenced by the physiological state of the embryo, that of GL-3 and GL-6 decreases as a result of germination and growth during a 10-day period. As the concentrations of GL-3 and GL-6 decrease, new ultraviolet-absorbing compounds are formed. The changes in the concentration of the ultraviolet-absorbing glucosides during cold temperature after-ripening, prior to germination, are small. When germination of dormant embryos is induced with gibberellic acid, the concentrations of GL-3 and GL-6 decrease in a manner similar to that observed with nondormant embryos. In the presence of abscisic acid no losses of GL-3 and GL-6 were observed. It is suggested that GL-3 and GL-6 fulfill some definite functions in the germination and growth of F. americana embryos, and that gibberellic acid and abscisic acid can exert a regulatory effect on the metabolism of these glucosides.The germination of white ash seeds, Fraxinus americana, normally requires the breaking of dormancy through cold temperature after-ripening. Embryos excised from dormant seeds will not germinate at 22 C under the same conditions that permit germination of embryos from nondormant seeds. Gibberellins and cytokinins allow germination and growth of dormant embryos while ABA' prevents these processes (9). The endogenous levels of the latter hormone reflect the physiological states of the embryos, lower levels being found in nondormant seeds (10).To gain insight into the mode of actions of these hormones, the changes in certain storage nutrients during germination of F. americana seeds were followed, and the effects of exogenously added GA3 and ABA were determined. Attention was focused on carbohydrates since evidence is accumulating that at least one role of GA3 in germination and development of many seeds involves the breakdown of starch (1, 5).Examination of dry F. americana seeds showed that while they are free of starch they do contain high concentrations of water-1 Abbreviations: ABA: abscisic acid; TLC: thin layer chromatography.soluble, ultraviolet-absorbing, dialyzable glucosides. Three of these glucosides, designated GL-3, GL-5, and GL-6-to indicate that they are glucosides and can be distinguished by their R, values-have been purified sufficiently to permit structural work. The quantitative determination of the glucosides is based on their intense absorption near 240 nm and purification by TLC. This method has been used to determine the distribution of GL-3, GL-5, and GL-6 in six species, representing three genera of the Oleacea family. Changes in concentration of the glucosides in F. americana seeds as a function of cold temperat...