The effect of plant water deficit on ethylene production by intact plants was tested in three species, beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and miniature rose (Rosa hybrida L., cv Bluesette). Compressed air was passed through glass, plant-containing cuvettes, ethylene collected on chilled columns, and subsequently assayed by gas chromatography. The usual result was that low water potential did not promote ethylene production. When plants were subjected to cessation of irrigation, ethylene production decreased on a per plant or dry weight basis of calculation. No significant promotion of ethylene production above control levels was detected when water deficit-treated bean or cotton plants were rewatered. The one exception to this was for cotton subjected to a range of water deficits, plants subjected to deficits of -1.4 to -1.6 MPa exhibited a transient increase of ethylene production of 40 to 50% above control levels at 24 or 48 hours. Ethylene was collected from intact leaves while plants developed a water deficit stress of -2.9 megapascals after rewatering, and no significant promotion of ethylene production was detected. The shoots of fruited, flowering cotton plants produced less ethylene when subjected to cessation of irrigation. In contrast, the ability of bench drying of detached leaves to increase ethylene production several-fold was verified for both beans and cotton. The data indicate that detached leaves react differently to rapid drying than intact plants react to drying of the soil with regard to ethylene production. This result suggests the need for additional attention to ethylene as a complicating factor in experiments employing excised plant parts and the need to verify the relevance of shock stresses in model systems.interest because the ethylene could be responsible for senescence and abscission induced by water deficits (13,25,26).Although the promotion of ethylene synthesis by water deficits appears firmly established, there are a number of concerns. First, to have a convenient experimental system, water deficits have often been imposed rapidly by drying detached leaves or fruits (3-6, 16, 18, 24, 31). In contrast, under natural drought the soil water is depleted slowly and plants progress through a series of drying cycles during which #w3 falls during the day and rises at night as plants recover due to reduced evaporative demand (30). Second, the experimental measurement of ethylene has usually required that detached plant parts be concentrated in a sealed container from which air samples are withdrawn and analyzed for ethylene. The air supply in these containers has often been static which is of some concern because oxygen is needed for the conversion of ACC to ethylene (2) and CO2 can either promote or reduce the production of ethylene (33). Finally, there are a few reports in the literature where investigators failed to observe a promotion of ethylene release with water deficit treatment of intact plants (6,9,13,19).With the development of flowing air sys...