The 40 years of Michel Daudon's working life in the field of urolithiasis are difficult to sum up in a few lines. His knowledge, expertise and publications in the fields of biology, chemistry, nephrology, and eventually urology have contributed to make him a national and international recognized researcher in the understanding of the complex mechanisms of urolithogenesis. His great collaboration with the community of nephrologists, kidney physiologists, biologists, and urologists, seniors or in training, has widely contributed to improve modern and complete treatments of urolithiasis, which is at the origin of complicated urinary stones causing severe consequences on renal function and true public health problems. His hard working, his willingness, and the clarity of his presentations contributed to make him a national and international recognized lecturer in France and North Africa, where he created a network connecting laboratories with clinicians. Always looking forward in his scientific field, he has established links with approved research teams, making them interested in working on urolithiasis, even though research on urolithiasis disease seems to be less important than research on cancer. ß 2014 Acadé mie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. R É S U M É La vie de travail de Michel Daudon ne peut se ré sumer en quelques lignes. Ses compé tences en clinique, en biologie et en biochimie ont fait de lui un acteur reconnu sur le plan national et international dans la compré hension des mé canismes de la lithogenè se urinaire, source de calculs souvent complexes aux consé quences parfois graves. Il a largement contribué à la prise en charge moderne et complè te de la lithiase urinaire, en permettant aux né phrologues cliniciens et physiologistes, aux biologistes, mais aussi aux urologues sé niors et/ou en formation, de mieux cerner la complexité des calculs ré naux et leurs consé quences sur la fonction ré nale ayant un impact en santé publique. Son travail incessant, sa disponibilité et la clarté de ses exposé s ont contribué à le faire reconnaître comme un enseignant recherché par la communauté urologique aussi bien en France que dans les pays é trangers, notamment en Afrique du Nord, en cré ant des ré seaux de