Absolute continuity of the spectrum of a 3D periodic magnetic Dirac operator is proved provided that the magnetic potential A belongs to the space H q loc , q > 1, and the matrix potential V ∈ L 3 loc is represented in the form V = V0 + V1, where V0 commutes and V1 anticommutes with the Dirac matrices αj, j = 1, 2, 3.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). Primary 35P05, 35Q40; Secondary 81Q10.Keywords. Dirac operator, periodic potential, absolutely continuous spectrum.
IntroductionLet M M , M ∈ N, be the linear space of complex (M × M )-matrices, S M the set of Hermitian matrices from M M . Matrices α j ∈ S M , j = 1, . . . , d (d 2), are assumed to satisfy the anticommutation relations α j α l + α l α j = 2δ jl I, where I ∈ M M is the identity matrix and δ jl is the Kronecker delta. Let S M be the subset of S M that consists of matrices L represented in the form L = L 0 + L 1 , where L s ∈ S M and α j L s = (−1) s L s α j for all j = 1, . . . , d, s = 0, 1. Consider the d-dimensional Dirac operator d j=1The matrix function V : R d → S M and the components A j of the magnetic potential A : R d → R d are supposed to be periodic with a common period lattice Λ ⊂ R d . In particular, the matrix function V can be chosen in the form