Comment.-Pruritic urticarial plaques and papules of pregnancy is a distinct rash of pregnancy that typically oc¬ curs in the later part of the third trimester in primigrávi¬ das. The rash frequently begins in the abdominal striae as small erythematous papules that coalesce into plaques. The rash often spreads to thighs, buttocks, and extremities, and is intensely pruritic. Most patients obtain symptomatic re¬ lief from topical steroids and antihistamines.Possible hormonal mechanisms have been proposed and investigated but studies of human chorionic gonadotropin levels,2 estradiol, and cortisol have all been unrewarding.3 In those cases in which direct and indirect immunofluorescence have been investigated,4 autoantibodies examined,3 or HLA associations sought,5 results have been unrevealing. It