In general, fish residing in rivers
differ from fish residing in
lakes in their mercury (Hg) isotope ratios. Specifically, fish residing
in lakes typically show enriched values for the isotope ratios of
δ202Hg (mass-dependent fractionation of isotope 202Hg) and Δ199Hg (mass-independent fractionation
of isotope 199Hg) compared with fish residing in rivers,
because photochemical effects acting on Hg isotope ratios are stronger
in lakes than in rivers. Whole-fish determinations of Hg isotope ratios
in age-0 and adult (ages 4–11) walleye (Sander vitreus) caught in the Fox River, the main tributary to lower Green Bay
of Lake Michigan, were dissimilar. Age-0 fish exhibited a river signature
for δ202Hg and Δ199Hg, with means
equal to 0.00 and 0.26‰, respectively. Significantly elevated
levels of δ202Hg and Δ199Hg were
observed in adult fish, indicating that adult fish primarily resided
in the bay. Our results implied that the Fox River serves as a nursery
area for juvenile walleye in the Fox River–lower Green Bay
ecosystem. Moreover, corrections for photochemical fractionation of
δ202Hg revealed that age-0 and adult walleye shared
the same source of Hg in this ecosystem. In addition, Hg isotope ratios
did not significantly differ between the sexes of adult walleye, suggesting
that these ratios did not fractionate during the Hg elimination process.