ABSTRACT. Results from a number of studies suggest a indicates that endogenous opioid systems (i.e. opioids and opioid role for endogenous opioids in the regulation of lung devel-receptors) tonically modulate fetal lung maturation. opment and function. Although it is not known which opioid Accumulated knowledge suggests that BE may influence pulpeptides are involved in these processes, accumulated evi-monary development. Pituitary and hypothalamic levels of BE dence suggests a prominent role for /3-endorphin (BE). Our are elevated in fetal and neonatal rats after maternal morphine study examines the effect of BE on lung ornithine decar-treatment (8). Plasma BE levels in normal newborn babies are boxylase (ODC) activity in preweanling rats. ODC cata-three to four times higher than the concentrations found in their lyzes the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of the poly-mothers, and decline to adult levels by the 5th day of life (9, 10). amines spermidine and spermine, key regulators of cell In infants of heroin-addicted mothers, plasma BE levels show growth, multiplication, and differentiation. Central (but not even larger increases after birth (up to 1000 times adult levels) peripheral) administration of BE reduced lung ODC activ-and remain elevated at 40 d of age (9). These and other obserity by as much as 80% in the 6-d-old rat. Significant vations support the hypothesis that BE may have a prominent decreases in ODC activity were seen at doses of BE as low role in the modulation of lung maturation (1 1-14). as 0.5 pgjg brain wt. In contrast to the reductions in ODC Studies of the consequences of opioid exposure on lung funcactivity, plasma levels of corticosterone in animals admin-tion have predominantly addressed prenatal effects, primarily istered BE were approximately five times higher than those due to their relevance to respiratory distress syndrome. However, seen in control animals. BE'S actions on ODC activity and it is equally important to investigate opioid actions on the plasma corticosterone levels were prevented by naloxone postnatal lung. Both the newborn human and rat lungs are or naltrexone, indicating that both responses are mediated extremely immature and undergo vast morphologic restructuring by opioid receptors. Studies of ODC kinetics showed a after birth; the majority of alveoli are formed postnatally, increasprofound reduction in V,,, (70% below control values), but ing from approximately 20 million at birth to 300 million in the no change in Km. The effect was observed only during the mature lung (15-18). The neonatal lung is highly responsive to first 2 wk of postnatal age, a period of time in lung trophic hormones (19-21). Finally, as the early postnatal lung maturation that is characterized by active alveolarization. development (saccular stage) is fundamentally a continuation of Because changes in ODC levels during early postnatal life the late fetal maturation, the findings obtained during the first are associated with perturbations in tissue growth and/or days of age essentially ...