The doped two-dimensional quantum dimer model is investigated by numerical techniques on the square and triangular lattices, with significantly different results. On the square lattice, at small enough doping, there is always a phase separation between an insulating valence-bond solid and a uniform superfluid phase, whereas on the triangular lattice, doping leads directly to a uniform superfluid in a large portion of the RVB phase. Under an applied Aharonov-Bohm flux, the superfluid exhibits quantization in terms of half-flux quanta, consistent with Q = 2e elementary charge quanta in transport properties.PACS numbers: 75.10. Jm, 05.50.+q, Understanding electron pairing in high temperature superconductors is a major challenge in strongly correlated systems. In his milestone paper, Anderson proposed a simple connection between high temperature superconductors and Mott insulators [1]. Electron pairs "hidden" in the strongly correlated insulating parent state as Valence Bond (VB) singlets lead, once fried to move at finite doping, to a superconducting behavior. A very good candidate of the insulating parent state is the resonating VB state (RVB), a state with only exponentially decaying correlations and no lattice symmetry breaking. A simple realization of RVB has been proposed by Rokhsar and Kivelson (RK) in the framework of an effective quantum dimer model (QDM) with only local processes and orthogonal dimer coverings [2]. Even though the relevance of these models for the description of SU(2) Heisenberg models is still debated, this approach is expected to capture the physics of systems that naturally possess singlet ground states (GS). For instance, specific quantum dimer models have recently been derived from a spin-orbital model describing LiNiO 2 [3], or from the trimerized kagome antiferromagnet [4]. In a recent work, a family of doped QDMs (at T=0) generalizing the so-called RK point of Ref. [2] has been constructed and investigated [5], taking advantage of a mapping to classical dimer models [6] that extends the mapping of the RK model onto a classical model at infinite temperature, with evidence of phase separation at low doping. However, the soluble models of Ref. [5] are 'ad hoc' constructions, and this call for the investigation of similars issue in the context of more realistic models. In that respect, a natural minimal model to describe the motion of charge carriers in a sea of dimers is the two-dimensional quantum hard-core dimer-gas Hamiltonian:where the sum on (c) runs over all configurations of the Hilbert space, N c is the number of flippable plaquettes, the sum on (c ′ , c) runs over all configurations |c and |c ′ that differ by a single plaquette dimer flip, and the sum on (c ′′ , c) runs over all configurations |c and |c ′′ that differ by a single hole hopping between nearest neighbors (triangular) or (diagonal) next-nearest neighbors (square). Throughout the energy scale is set by J = 1. A schematic phase diagram for the two lattices is depicted in Fig.1 in the undoped case. Remarkably, these...